Ring Is Back!

Yes, Ring plugin is back and easily integrated into your eisy! By using the ding and motion events from your doorbells, and the motion events from your cameras (stickup cams & floodlights), you can easily create eisy programs that make your home even more secure and awesome. 

Yes, you can also control Ring floodlights. 


  1. eisy or Polisy version 5.6.0 +
  2. A valid ISY Portal license
    • PG3 Remote connection must be enabled. Settings are in ISY Portal under Select Tools | Maintenance | PG3 Remote connection
  3. If you have a Polisy,
    • Version 5.6.0 +
    • Enable PG3x: https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable
    • Reboot and wait for a beep + 1. Migrating node servers from PG3 to PG3x might take up to 2 minutes per node server. So, please be patient. Once all node servers show connected, reboot again.


  • Although you can control lights, the Ring API does not provide the state of the light.
  • Mailboxes are not yet supported in the Ring API

Still debating migration to eisy?

How about a $25.00 discount? Please use coupon code 9DRUH3RB at checkout (expires 05/22/2023). For your reference, here are the migration instructions.

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